STEM Robotics
WhalesBot W40 Scratch, C, Python & Action Editor Coding Kit Engineering with Built-in Buzzer STEM Robotics for Teenagers aged 15+
This Robotics kit offers a range of 32 courses that cover multiple coding methods such as Scratch, Python, and C++. The key learning result of this program is advanced coding, meaning that students who enroll in this program will gain extensive knowledge and skills in coding. This program is best suited for individuals who already have prior basic coding experience and are interested in advancing their coding abilities.
- Controller • Integrated buzzer, program running button, indicator light
- Interface • 6 RJ11 sensor interfaces
- 2 485 serial interfaces
- Encoding motor drive board • 4 RJ11 motor interfaces, which can be connected to encoding power
- Sensors (1 each) • Potentiometer, Gyroscope, Joystick, Ultrasonic sensor
- Actuator •Two: 25GA plastic case closed-loop motors
- One: Steering gear, Digital tube
- Structural parts • ≥240, metal structural parts ≥40
- Components ≥75, screws ≥130
- Energy • 1 dedicated lithium battery, 1 adapter
- Software • Graphical building block programming, Arduino C programming
- Advanced Project-based LearningDesign projects that best suit teenagers’ needs with this kit. Dive deep into the wonder of science, engineering, math, and coding through project-based learning.
- Future Coding ExpertAn all-in-one coding software that supports Scratch, C, Python, and more. Learn coding logic, algorithms, and how to write beautiful code.
- Cool Metal StructuresBuild metal structures and models with cool and modern looks. Experience the joy of transforming metal parts into sophisticated and functional robots.
- In-depth Engineering & Problem SolvingBuilding with metal and screws practices teenagers’ attention to precision and details, which is important for problem-solving in real life.
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